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CAREEP Energy Self-Audits and Lightbulb-Exchange Programme

CAREEP Energy Self-Audits and Lightbulb-Exchange Programme

Efficiency Project (CAREEP)

CARILEC and FortisTCI are implementing the CARILEC Resiliency and Energy Efficiency Project (CAREEP) in Turks and Caicos Islands, supported by the RESEMBID Programme, implemented by Expertise France on behalf of the EU.

The Project specifically targets energy affordability for residential electricity customers. The Project aims to include mainstreaming energy conservation measures and technologies, as well as to build capacities for new and innovative energy services, by diversifying the skills of the local workforce.

Benefits of participation:
  • Under the CARILEC Resiliency and Energy Efficiency Project (CAREEP) Energy Self-Audits and Lightbulb Exchange Program, 150 eligible FortisTCI residential customers will receive 5 LED lightbulb replacements for their households to help conserve energy and save cost. The program will be launching soon.
  • Learn how to save energy and reduce your monthly electricity bill.
  • Receive highly efficient LED lightbulbs for FREE and reduce your electricity consumption for lighting.
  • Be part of a growing community of energy efficient households in your country!
  • Control your consumption, implement innovative, green, and cost-efficient energy saving measures!
  • Receive guidance on how you can implement energy efficiency measures in your household and share your experiences with other households in your neighbourhood and country.
  • Become a community CHAMPION for Energy Efficiency in your neighbourhood!
Benefits of participation
How can you participate

    You must meet the following eligibility criteria to participate in the program:

  • Must be a residential account holder at FortisTCI
  • Households must be have no less than two permanent occupants (including yourself)
  • Monthly electricity consumption should be below 800 kWh.
  • Standard incandescent lightbulbs or compact fluorescent lightbulbs are your main household lamps (ceiling and floor lights in kitchen, living room area, bedrooms, washrooms, hallways, and veranda).
  • LED lightbulbs recipient/households must hand-over old lightbulbs for disposal.
  • Interested eligible customers must complete standard online form.
  • Once you are eligible and have completed the enrollment form, please visit FortisTCI offices to collect your LED bulbs, energy monitoring kit and guiding materials.


As part of the application process, you will commit to:
  • Follow the instructions for lightbulbs installation and visually document the lightbulb replacement by submitting a photo to the CAREEP project at
  • Monitor your monthly electricity consumption/usage and submit the data to the CAREEP project at
  • Agree to sharing of the energy data assessed during the Project and be available for communication with the CAREEP Project representatives and local stakeholders.
  • Collect the lightbulbs upon approval from your local LED sales point, and handover the old and inefficient lightbulbs for proper disposal.

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